Day 257 of 365

Feeding Time

After I spent some time at the Falls with the family I was able to walk about a half a mile to the attraction known as the “Bird Kingdom”. I did have second thoughts about going there but my waiter at the hotel said don’t leave Niagara Falls without seeing this place, so off I went.
I must say it was way more than I could have imagined!
So for the next few days allow me to take you on a tour of this amazing place.

Quote of the Day:
“We may encounter many defeats but we must not be defeated.”
Maya Angelou

8 thoughts on “Day 257 of 365

  1. I LOVE that quote. I think I love all of Maya quotes. Sometimes I can feel so uninspired and I read her quote book and everything goes right back into perspective for me. By the way, that bird is adorable. And his colors are amazing.


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